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How to Create a Job Requisition: A Guide for Hiring Managers

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for Hiring Managers on how to create a new job requisition within SimplifyVMS. Please note that your company's specific configuration may vary slightly from the standard setup used in this guide.

Creating a New Job Requisition

  • Log In: Access SimplifyVMS using your Single Sign-On (SSO) on login credentials.
  • Navigate to Create Job: From the home dashboard, click the Add Job Widget. Alternatively, use the left-hand navigation panel: click Jobs, then select Create Job.
  • Open Create Job Page: The Create Job page will open. Under Job Template, search for a job template by title or select from recent/popular job templates.
  • Populate Basic Information: Fill out the Basic Info section. Note that some fields may be pre-populated based on your program's configuration.
  • Specify Qualifications: Add requirements for education, skills, or other qualifications. These can be marked as required or optional.
  • Enter Financial Details: Provide job requisition details, including start and end dates, number of positions, and any other required fields specific to your program.
  • Complete Job Details: The Job Details pages will have Master Data populated. Complete any custom fields specific to your program. Custom fields are program-specific and help collect data points and drive approvals/workflows based on your responses.
  • Submit the Job Requisition: Click Submit. The job will be routed to the appropriate approvers via predetermined workflows for your program.

Checking the Status of a Job Request

  • Navigate to Jobs: Open the left-hand navigation panel and click Jobs.
  • Organize by Status: Jobs will be organized according to status (e.g., pending, sourcing).
  • Search for Job Request: Use the search bar to find a specific job request or go to the corresponding tab.
  • Jobs Pending Approval: If the job request was created by another user on your behalf, navigate to the home dashboard and click Jobs Pending Approval. 

Viewing an Active Requisition

  • Access Active Jobs: From the home dashboard, click Active Jobs. Alternatively, access from Jobs on the left-hand navigation panel.
  • Review Active Jobs: Active jobs will be visible for you to review. You will see job requisition details, submitted candidates, interviews, and offers.

By following these steps, you can efficiently create, monitor, and manage job requisitions within SimplifyVMS.